The Village Of Broc

Le Broc


Built at the end of a basalt flow, the village of Le Broc is worth a visit. On the edge of the plateau, perched above the highway, the panorama is superb. Skilfully restored, the fortified village is part of the relief.

Between the 11th and 13th centuries, the castle of Broc and its subordinate village appeared, represented in the Revel armorial around 1450.
On the plateau at the foot of the chestnut trees, don't miss the " sculpted stones ". It features the coat of arms of a lord of Montmorin, owner of the castle at the end of the 16th century, as well as the silhouettes of a recumbent, a horse, a heraldic lion and a satyr's head. Then go into the village to visit the fortified district and the ruins of the castle. At the level of the lime chapel, we can see the high square donjon built around the 13th century and incorporated into an enclosure.

  • Themes:historic patrimony, town / village


  • Little towns of character


Free of charge.

Services / Equipment

  • Play area
  • Picnic area
  • Parking nearby


All year round, daily.

Spoken languages